Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gary Does The Elevator Boogie

Well we just had one of those infamous So. Cal tumblers. This one was a 5.8 centered in the Whittier Narrows.
Susan and I were at her doctors office and she was at the counter finishing up and I had just entered the small elevator alone for the trip down. I pushed the button, the doors closed and as soon as it started moving, the quake hit.
I thought the elevator had failed as it rocked back and forth. I was waiting for the big drop to come but it just slammed it's way to the bottom and then the doors opened. When I walked out of the elevator people were all over the lobby on cell phones. I thought, Wow!they must have heard the elevator slamming and were calling 911.
It never even dawned on me that it was an earth quake. It was one of those jolting quakes and I can assure you a down elevator is not the place to be!


Rik Elswit said...

I was just reading crooksandliars.com, which is published out of LA, and a post popped up right in my face about the quake. Damn, if it's not fire, then it's the ground we stand on.

But an elevator!!! That's a whole other level of scary. Glad you guys are OK.

Diane Smith said...

Me, too!

The news this p.m. said the greatest number of emergencies was with people trapped in elevators, so glad you got out okay!

Unknown said...

Wow! Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. From now on, take the stairs! Spooky! You better come up here where it's always safe, like in 2 days.....see you then.