Tuesday, January 20, 2009


In 1962 I had occasion to drive across across the country, in the deep south we saw "White only" sign's at restaurants and bathrooms. I remember being quite shocked then, being a California gal. Today, January 20, 2009 history has been made, their is hope for us after all. Obama is the 12 president in my life time, starting FDR. I'm feeling older than dirt!


Diane Smith said...

It's a great time for all Americans, Helen. For me, it feels as if the weight of eight long years has been lifted off my back -- as if I had been living in a perpetual state of shock or total denial. I have great HOPE that Obama will make a real difference for all of us.

Unknown said...

Yes Diane, soon instead of saying "not in our name", we'll be saying "YES, in our name"

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

It feels like a brand new world and a great time to be alive. I have a really good feeling about this.I hope the Bush war machine is held fully accountable for the damage done to families and Country.