Monday, May 2, 2011

Take a right at Tommy the Trojan

I'm just back from Rik's alma mater and the LA Festival of the Books.  I was hoping to look for Maggie's Farm but didn't have the time to go wandering around too much.

While on campus I went looking for the USC bookstore and asked someone for directions.  He said go down that way and take a right at Tommy the Trojan ... Sure enough, there it was!


Rik Elswit said...

The last time I went buy the Farm, it was a parking lot. Gone completely. This mist've been 20 years ago. In fact, the whole place was a foreign country to me

Diane Smith said...

Paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

Rik Elswit said...

What brought you back to the University of Social Climbers? After my three freshman years, i couldn't get away fast enough, either for them or me.

Diane Smith said...

I had a few of those freshmen years myself because I kept running out of money. Since I'm still in school, you might say I'm still having them.

The Festival of Books was held at USC this year (moving from UCLA where I guess it had been held for years). I moderated a panel on American history and also attended the book awards ceremony the night before -- sort of like the Academy Awards but for books, which was fantastic. The ceremony was held in the Times building which is a slice of American history in itself.

They expected 150,000 people for the festival -- it was packed. But I still wandered around a little bit -- mostly back and forth from the authors room to the Mark Taper auditorium and around Tommy the Trojan. All in all had a nice visit. The weather was perfect after leaving (and returning to) threats of snow here.

Rik Elswit said...

Ahh, I'm glad I read back though these posts. I was wondering what brought you to LA.

Diane Smith said...

It was a great trip and the weather was beautiful -- and you could see the mountains!

I chose, wisely I think, not to rent a car, so was limited in what I could do. I was staying across from the Grammy Museum where there was a show on John Lennon, but was kept pretty busy so didn't even get to that.

But had a good time at the book festival. My panel was on Saturday so Sunday was able to attend some amazing panels, including one on the Constitution, which had people cheering. Many of the panels were on Book TV, of which I'm a big fan, but it's really different to be there in person. And I had an opportunity to meet all the speakers which is always a thrill, groupie that I am.