Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Paradox Circus is coming to town

That ought to give you Happy Feet!


Diane Smith said...

I know the feeling.

Diane Smith said...

Here's what I've been listening to getting ready for the long drive:

Plus, my daughter bought Johnny McEuen/Steve Martin's CD, has been collecting old NGDB cd's, and even joined their fan club on facebook. I'm raising that girl right!

Diane Smith said...

Okay, and one more for Gary:

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Goes to show you can never trust an eggplant!

Rand Launer said...

I knew that bird when he was nobody, back when he had orange feet.
No, wait. Maybe that was...
Is that one of those guys,
the Duck Brothers....???
Some times I remember things that never happened.

Unknown said...

Hey! I saw that very same duck on the pond yesterday, came over from Reno.

Diane Smith said...

Our Paradox Reunion reusable plates and cups to help pay for food and porta-potties are ready -- will be picking them up this week.

If anyone has extra unmatched silverware to donate to the event, please them bring along. We'll set up a basket of forks, spoons, and knives for those who don't bring their own.

Also, if anyone has any extra smallish plastic tubs, we'd love to borrow two or three of those for washing up dishes etc.

I'll send out a general wish list to our full email list, but thought I'd start here.

Look forward to seeing everyone and all those happy feet.