Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fielder Redux

I lightened this up a little, I hope you don't mind.
That Strato-Mando looks like fun.
What a fine looking bunch. I bet they sound
great. Thanks for sharing this fine photo.


Unknown said...

Alise! So glad to have you in our circle, thanks for the pictures. You have a lovely family, we are really hopping that next reunion you and the boys can come.
We worked Jim's socks off, I don't think he even got any of Connie's cookies this time. If Jim didn't come, we'll it just wouldn't be the same. We are all keeping our fingers crossed for his teaching position, that would be to cool.

Rik Elswit said...

Great pic, and thanks for the enhancement, Rand.

Rik Elswit said...

You know, one of the unexpected high spots in the Saturday evening show was when Jimmy took a guitar and sang one. I didn't know he did that, much less did it well. In retrospect I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. I mean, the boy's been around the block a few times, but it took me by surprise, and I loved it.