Thursday, December 31, 2009



Rik Elswit said...

It's been a good year, actually. If you spend too much time reading the papers or watching the news, you might get the feeling that Plato was right. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and we're all gonna die. BUT.....

There's food to eat, a bed to sleep on, friends to talk with, music to be made, and somebody who seems to think I'm worth loving. And I've reconnected with the people I really liked back when I was a kid. Things could be worse.

Stay well and warm, and be at peace.

Diane Smith said...

Happy new year to you too Gary! And to you Rik and all the Paradoxers.

Here's to more music in the future and a more peaceful world in the year ahead.

Rand Launer said...

Yes....What Rik said.
I agree.

Mother Maybelle says:
Keep on the sunny side,
always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life...

Thanks to all of you for easy fun
and hard arguments about a musical

Unknown said...

when Helen and I watch to much "news?" we look at each other and sing " and rich get richer and the poor get poorer, in the mean time, in between time, ain't we got fun "
Happy New Year love B&H

Unknown said...

We have been without a computer for a while, it had lost it's computer mind. Got it fixed finally....we hope. Neither us us have any idea what we are doing......

It's 2010? It just turned 2000, how did that happen?

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

It happened because we were all so busy making reunion plans. So....In the mean time, in between time ain't we got fun! HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL.

Rik Elswit said...

Now HERE's how to start your New Year.

The Tokyo Complaints Choir. About a minute and a half in, you get English subtitles, and a glimpse at what bothers urban Japanese.

Rik Elswit said...

Would that I had video gear and could complile a bunch of the stuff we've posted to a DVD so that Bob and Helen could see them.

Rand Launer said...

There is pirate software one can use to download YouTube stuff. I haven't gone into that particular can-of-worms and likely will not. There is so much cool stuff on YouTube it would be overwhelming to pick. I "surf" YouTube often, instead of TV.

All of the music vids we make ourselves and put on YouTube are on dvd though.
Just out of curiosity, I'd like to know what Bob an Helen's problems with computers are.
These breakdowns, I've never heard of computers breaking down like that. I have never bought a computer. People give them away around here when they get a new one. Maybe I can just find one for them?
PC or Mac?
Mac's are hard to find but PC's are commonly
Server? Who and what's the modem speed?
Computer age, make and model?
Processor speed?
Hard drive size?

Could this computer problem be solved with
some easy cheap fix?

Diane Smith said...

A satellite dish?

I think Helen said she had an older computer and they could probably use a new one if you ever come across one, but it's internet access that is the problem.

Next time I'm at the Best Western, I've promised to host a pizza and music video night.

Diane Smith said...

Maybe we could add this to the list of complaints in that amazing song! I liked how they traveled around to sing about them.

Diane Smith said...

And speaking of computers, is that a computer on Ralph's desk? I thought he once told me he didn't have a computer. Or is it that he doesn't have access to the internet?

Chris said...

Diane, Ralph does not have access to the internet. He only uses the computer to add music to the hard drive and play some of the music cd's, mp3's, and picture and movie dvd's that he gets, that do not work in his stand alone players. Please feel free to email me.

Diane Smith said...

Well, when we have the ye' old Paradox house, we'll have a computer and wi-fi, so he'll have to spend some time with us there!

Unknown said...

Our computer is windows 98, we are living in computer stone age. John Girton keeps us up and running, however it's very slow and takes hours to download, plus we don't have
DSL or wireless, stuck with a land line.....we live in a dead zone. Ties up our phone.

Rik Elswit said...

Sounds like dial-up on an old Pentium. No matter how fast your computer is, dial-up will be the bottleneck.

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

We are slowly bringing Ralph into the computer age. I gave him an Mp3player and a kids digital camera with journaling software to play with, so he can practice his skills. Not sure if it will be a blessing or a curse.
So far he hasn't broken it.

Rand Launer said...

A system more than 12 years old?
Dial up or no, you need a halfway decent
True, the dial up is a problem but
a faster machine will help a lot.

Tell me the numbers.
Modem speed.
Processor speed.
Hard drive size

Santa Claus brought a lot of computers
to town.
There are going to be a lot of them on the curb.
I just got a fresh Flat Screen monitor....
a cast off.

Unknown said...

Rand, John fixed it, it's working fine now, the land line is the problem, but we have a HP-XP in the wings. We don't have a clue how to answer your questions????? Greek to us..
B & H

Rand Launer said...

The HP with windows XP most likely is a vehicle
you can drive on the freeway.

That should give you a smidgen more flexibility.
With dial up large files like movies will still be
slow, but photos and music files will be more
You've answered my questions with the HP-xp.
This is California. There is no reason not to have a
good machine. There are just so many on the
scrap heap and I was going to mount a campaign to get you one. But.....You have that one solved.

Mac or PC=Diesel or Gasoline
Hard Drive size=total size of your garage.
Processor=0 to 60mph, acceleration
RAM=Loading, Handling and access to cargo
Modem=loading up the truck.

These are the basic facts about your computer.

Click on the "my computer" icon
Menu on the left click on "System information"
"General" tab.....Here you will see your processor speed and Ram.
Minimum Processor....790MHz
Minimum Ram............512
ok...back to "My Computer"
Click on "Hard Drives"....on the menu bar on the left you will see the size of your hard drive(garage)
and how much space you have left to use.
20gigs is small these days. But perfectly useable. This is only storage space. The computer unloads what it needs from here.

Chris said...

Rand, I like the way that you explained the computer and its function, in such fun and totally understandable terms. If you were a teacher, you would get my vote for "Teacher of the Year"

Unknown said...

Followed your advise, 1st poured in diesel, that didn't work, then poured in the GAS, for some odd reason flames started flying out, then it caught the walls and on fire, we then ran outside and the rest of the house burnt down. We are now living in a tree.

Rand, we'll have John hook us up , it was given to us by Bob's sister Pam, he's just been using it to do music and pictures. Your right, no reason for us to be using window's 98, just only that we are familiar with it.You know, old dogs, new tricks......

Rand Launer said...

if you didn't put the gas and the diesel in the processor first and push the hard drive button well of course the mac would ram into the the pc and of course the garage would catch fire.
That's what i trying to say.

That's why you are doing right to install it in the john.
Plenty of water.
Glad to help.

Chris said...

hahahahahahahahaha! You're funny Rand

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Can't wait till 2011 for
"The Paradox Treeunion"

Rand Launer said...

I'm working on an acoustic computer for Bob.
No dang electricity to muck things up.

Chris said...

Oh no! This may just spark the acoustic debate all over again....hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Unknown said...

Rand, totally cool cause up here in the tree it's hard to get electricty..none of my extention cords are long enough.
Glad you made it clear what our mistake on the PC was, I think we got is straight this time, in the john, as soon as we can find a camping trailer to move into.I'll have Helen stand in the Johm while I plug it in......

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Bob...Is Helen acoustic or electric?