I think some serious thank you's are in order here:
Standing ovations for the following:
Bob & Helen for being the best hosts on the planet
Hank & Connie, Bob & Helen for emptying their pockets to get the whole PARADOX thing started
Diane for being our spiritual leader on this 6 year journey
Hannah for keeping T-Shirt sales going so we could pay for the Porta Potties
Steve for keeping the music flowing as seamlessly as possible, not an easy task.
All the musicians & poets both young and old who shared there many talents (you know who you are)
Hank & Connie for the famous Paradox chocolate chip cookies
The fantastic kitchen staff (you know who you are) under Sherry's watchful eye for keeping our bellies filled to the brim.
Ed for loaning his baritone voice & along side Henry kept the barbecue going, Steve for the Gumbo of Love, Pam for the outrageous Carnitas, Tara for all the brunches from the heart etc.,etc.
Linda & Mark for helping to get it all together early.
Dave who rose to the occasion as usual with the recording and sound.(also not an easy task)
Don & Bill & Steve for helping rescue the transport of the sound equipment when our transportation fell through at the last minute.
Daisy for protecting all her guests and keeping us entertained with her antics.
Tom & Vinnie for keeping the mice under control
Remember this folks............ " It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings"