Friday, August 1, 2008

Every once and a while...

... a piece of music is released that is truly iconic. That recalls those halcyon days when music mattered, and when the world was ours to change, and before the kids changed it back with whatever it is that they listen to now. Jungle music. I mean, it's all just noise. I mean, where did the melodies go?

Return with me now to the 80s, when music was still music. An era of superb sequencing and amazing hair care products, and when the idiot in the White House may have been a moron, but at least he was...... Well, a moron.

I love this band. It just killed me when they broke up.


Diane Smith said...

Rik rolled?

I think you are right -- it was the hair care products. And the shoulder pads. Those were the days.

By the way, word is that there is some serious picking taking place up on the ranch porch this p.m. Wish I could be there.

Rik Elswit said...

Alas, I'm playing Geezerpalooza, in Oakland, tomorrow night, with Gayle Lynn and the Hired Hands. It's a bit less of a commute than the foothills. Much twang will ensue, and a good time will be had by all. But I wish I had the time to make it up to see y'all.