Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Rand Launer said...

Well, depending whether this is 2 ply or 3, quilted or not, scented or.....

Ya got me.
The old philospher "stuff" does need some tissue to wipe away the BS.
I'm sure glad you see that.

Myron J. Poltroonian said...

Hm. This presents a quandary. Having worked for Kimberly-Clark (employee motto: "We work ours, so you can wipe yours") in that very department with Gene Gudath, I feel "close" to this subject. I'm afraid this is the sort of stuff, of which family feuds are made. Even vertical spindling, I fear, will not solve this ageless argument.
Thus I must suggest the timeless solution: "To each his own", as everyone will do as they do at home. i.e.: change it to their own liking. (So will everyone else.)

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Hook 'em up and reel 'em in!

Just like Taj says....
Many fish bites, if you got good bait
Here's a little tip that I would like to relate
Many fish bites, if you got good bait
I'm a goin fishing, yes I'm goin fishing
and my Baby goin fishing, too

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Actually I think you nailed it Rand. The quilting and embossing is the unknown variable. In truth in all my travels and some of the best hotels,I've seen it both ways.

Wrightism of the day:
"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before"

Unknown said...

Well, I , Helen being most experienced in the PROPER way's of the instulation of TP, plus a great knowlege of installing paper towels have the correct answer.TP, should fall down from the behind (not that behind!) the rear of the roll, (A)where as paper towels should hang down from the front (B) Bob however, never installing a roll of TP or papertowels in his entire life disagrees with me. We've had many heated discussions over this very subject.(I'm right, he's wrong!

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

With all due respect to The Boss O' The World I can only offer this.
THE EMBOSSED DESIGN ON THE TOILET PAPER IS MEANT TO ADD AN AIR OF BEAUTY AND SOPHISTICATION to the otherwise drab decor of a bathroom,powder room,outhouse,porta-potty,loo,trench etc.
However if the paper in question DOES NOT have an obvious finished side, you may then and ONLY then, let it hang in whatever fashion blows your skirt up!

Rand Launer said...

Keeping up on political
news and saving money,
I raise my hands in defense in advance and actually run for cover.
In Italy, at a very nice, clean little country hotel,
the paper was yesterdays news paper.
Torn in neat little squares.
Thus solving the roll problem,
reading material problem, recycling problem,
problem at hand,
and finally, an editorial comment on the politics of the day.

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

When the NGDB toured the USSR we did some last minute shopping in Denmark for MULTIPLE CASES OF TOILET PAPER and man were we glad we did.

MCatherine said...

hmmmm...the side that works!

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Cathy...Welcome aboard The Paradox Train.Great place for those of us who have nothing better to do then sharpen our verbal jousting skills reminiscing about what we've been doing since the train left the station some forty plus years ago. It's a BLAST!

Rik Elswit said...

Norma and I have a mixed marriage. She's Windows and I'm a Mac. She rolls the paper out from under, and I roll mine over the top. We solve this by having separate bathrooms. Good thing, too, since we have separate apartments. Somehow, though, I have to break her of her annoying habit of flipping my roll over when she's over at my place.