For all you Daisy
star of stage, screen, and recording artist and calendar girl fans.
star of stage, screen, and recording artist and calendar girl fans.

As Daisy was romping through the woods Friday night she landed on a branch that went through her arm pit, along the inside of her fur, almost to her back. She had to somehow break or chew it off right at her arm pit.
We took her to the Vet when it opened at nine. She had emergency surgery. It took 1/2 an hour for us to get her in the car, very terrible.
Now the good news. She's home, able to walk a little. Doesn't like taking her pills. Back to eating and drinking. Yesterday she was one stoned dog, all day. All is getting better. Having a 100 lb dog has its draw backs.
I can't imagine the hustle and worry that must have
gone on that day. Daisy has a good team to take
care of her with that kind of dedication.
I don't know what goes on out there in dog dark world but I know it takes courage.
Thank you Daisy, for your continued vigilance.
We're sorry you suffered this wound on your rounds protecting hearth and home.
Get well soon.
Daisy looks so forlorn in that picture, maybe waiting for all of her friends to return to the stage? I sure hope that the healing is quick and complete. Give her a hug for me!
Dear Fan's,
I have always kept the bears and the Mt. Lion's away. I'll have to take some time off, but never fear, I'm loyal, brave and I will soon be back on patrol.
Many thanks for your dogly thoughts...
Written via Helen through mental telepathy.
Dear Daisy,
We were so sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident. Hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get back to your patrol duties as soon as possible. We're all counting on you.
Woof,woof,sniff,growl,bark, woof...Gary & Susan
And have no fear, Daisy!
We'll all be back to see you before you know it!
I'm waiting.....Daisy
Do you have a particular date in mind?
I'm still thinking Memorial Day might be a good weekend to start a tradition -- not too hot, no worry of fires, three days off -- but not sure how that might work for others.
I just got off the phone with Ralph, on one of our weekly/bi-monthly conversations. He says hi to everyone. He really enjoyed seeing all of you at the Bear reunion, and looks forward to the next Paradox reunion. Memorial Day sounds like a great start.
How's our hound dog doin' this morning? Woof.
Yes, please keep us updated on Daisy's progress. On a side note, Daisy preformed flawlessly at the last Paradox reunion, playing guitar top bongo with her tail, I remember because it was my guitar that she did her concert on. :-)
She has a great singing voice, too.
Yes, I am extremly talanted. My people, the one's that I've always trusted and given complete devotion too are mistreating me terribly!They have put a mussle on me, I'm outraged! They also sneak pills in my food. They mess around with my 30 some stitches with warm packs, I DON"T LIKE IT. It's that wretched Vet's fault!
Daisy....I'm pissed
I'm surprised Daisy didn't blame it on the cat, like she usually does.
Norma and I wanted to weigh in with a bit of sympathy. She's a good old girl and she picked the right friends.
Oh no, not the "Collar of Shame"!!!
(If you haven't seen "Up" do it. And try and catch the 3D version. It's got a big heart, dogs, one of whom is almost as cool as Daisy, and it's not just for kids."
Rik, not only have I had to wear the "collar of Shame" I've had to wear a human "t" shirt to cover my many stitches.
Daisy Belle
Seen it, made me cry, both of us. Great flick, good message.
Memorial Day sounds good, bring me treats. Not this May, the following May, 2011, by annual, don't forget the treats. Perhaps a side of beef. I'm very fond of cheese and many other types of foods, no veggie's though.
Well, Daisy, looks like we have a date. I'll keep an eye out for concerts or other excuses to get together in Southern California or maybe Santa Cruz in the meantime.
According to my calendar, Memorial Day weekend 2011 falls on May 27 - May 30.
I realize that except for Daisy most of us don't know our schedules that far in advance, but does that generally sound like a good target date? Or are there downsides to that weekend in particular?
It would be nice if we could set a regular date so that people would know when it's going to be -- and Diane and a few of her friends don't just show up randomly every year or two at Bob and Helen's doorstep.
Mother's Day weekend is another slightly earlier possibility. Not sure what the weather is like then? At least there wouldn't be fire danger.
We're playing the Rite Spot, south of Market, on November 15.
It's a dive, and loud. But we'll play anywhere they'll give us beer.
Jimmie is in LV with Sedaka at The Orleans Nov.12-15.
Maybe we can we can do a caravan and catch both shows...Then we head north and show up unannounced on Bob & Helen's door step?
That would be fun, we'll pretend we didn't know you were coming.
How is plan "A"?
Oh, yeah, but as for plan A.....
We need to come up with a weekend for the reunion. As I recall, Father's Day is out in Nevada City, and the first day of summer conflicts with the end of school for those in California. By the 4th of July Bob and Helen could be more worried about fires than reunions.
It appears that Mother's Day or Memorial Day are the best options. What say you all?
So let's see .... it's down to Las Vegas, then over to SF, then up to Bob and Helen's for a surprise visit.
I need to get my little camper with a satellite dish so I can keep working.
In the meantime, keep those ideas coming!
I think we should try to do this a couple times a year to keep us going until the next big reunion. We have too much fun to wait so long between get togethers.
Memorial Day Weekend seems more friendly in terms of weather. Sometimes early May is still wet. The closer to summer, but without the high heat and the fire danger, seems much more exciting.
Darn It! Helen were lurking. Now they know we're comming. I figured we needed to do that to stay in practice for 2010.
B&H PLAN A SUCKED...PLAN B may be the next step.
Hows Daisy today?
Dear Gary, friend who gives me donuts! Today is stormy, I had to pee really badly, I went out the back door, rain, so I tried the front door, it was raining there also. I held it all night until my mom forced me out in the storm to relieve myself. I have to admit (to you only) I felt much better. I will go into the pond, but damned if I'll go in the rain!
I am feeling much better today. Tomorrow I go back to the Vet. I try to get out of it some how.
Dear Daisy...Grrr,howl,woof,woof,
bark,pass gas,blame cat,scratch, take nap!
Daisy, how was the trip to the vet today? Are you feeling better? Did they give you a nice tasty treat after your check-up?
When we think it can't get worse, it does. Last night Daisy escaped and had an encounter with a Skunk. Can't give her a bath. House smells like skunk and incense.
Helen..Back in high school I worked for the only vet in O.C. that deodorized skunks.
The best thing we found was good ol Air Wick(the green liquid kind).
It used to come in a glass bottle with a wick that you pulled out. I think it's still available but the packaging has changed. We would use it wash up with it after a surgery and it seemed to do a pretty good job. Maybe worth a try.
Thanks Gary. I put baking soda all over the carpet and left it, then vacuumed. Washed everything washable with amonia in the water. It's down to only a slight scent coming from the beautiful long legged patient. I cleaned her as best I could.
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