Monday, July 12, 2010

Tuli Kupferberg

Tuli Kupferberg, the poet, singer and professional bohemian who went from being a noted Beat to becoming, in his words, “the world’s oldest rock star” when he helped found the Fugs, the bawdy and politically pugnacious folk-rock group, died on Monday in Manhattan. He was 86 and had been a longtime resident of Greenwich Village.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about Tuli's passing, but he lived a long life.
Great Picture! We know those two very handsome young men.
Dave, Tara, Helen and Bob are going to see J.B and D.L. next weekend in Berkley. I'll see if David Lindley's unigue high fashion is influencing Jackson.

Diane Smith said...

Wear your polyester! And don't forget to take pictures!

In one of those hot summer daytime concerts back east, clips of which I watched awhile back, Jackson commented about Lindley's long-sleeved polyester shirt, which Lindley said was part of his performance vestments. Watching Lindley sweating, he quipped "Polyester is its own reward."

Hannah and I are going to see them in August.