Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There But For Fortune

Great American Masters program on Phil Ochs on PBS.  Sad to see how many things are still the same.  If you can't see it on t.v., you can watch it online:


Shey Hyatt/Sherry Miller said...

I was jsut thinking about him yesterday! And how I was so mad at him for years for taking his own life. Crazy me.

Diane Smith said...

This show puts his life (and death) into some context. Disturbing, though, to watch the political back story that we all lived through in those times and that he wrote about.

What a voice he had -- in both senses of the word.

Diane Smith said...

Speaking of great voices (and on a less depressing note), I listened to parts of the Tony Bennett duos last night on PBS.

While he will never replace my favorite duos with John Prine, Bennett is 85 and sounds great singing with Lady Gaga.