Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gary Does The Elevator Boogie

Well we just had one of those infamous So. Cal tumblers. This one was a 5.8 centered in the Whittier Narrows.
Susan and I were at her doctors office and she was at the counter finishing up and I had just entered the small elevator alone for the trip down. I pushed the button, the doors closed and as soon as it started moving, the quake hit.
I thought the elevator had failed as it rocked back and forth. I was waiting for the big drop to come but it just slammed it's way to the bottom and then the doors opened. When I walked out of the elevator people were all over the lobby on cell phones. I thought, Wow!they must have heard the elevator slamming and were calling 911.
It never even dawned on me that it was an earth quake. It was one of those jolting quakes and I can assure you a down elevator is not the place to be!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

All work and no play

Did my damnedest to clear the decks and come up for the Rough and Ready dealie, but work won't let go of me. Y'all would be finished and headed home by the time we got there. Say hi to Steve, Ralph, and Michaelray for me, and book another one soon.

I hit a milestone of sorts last week, and now have as many banjo students as guitar students. I've dressed Tex's banjo up with a calfskin head, took off the resonator and flange, raised the action, and now have the killer clawhammer axe. It sounds great for the old timey stuff, and now I have to really woodshed that stuff. It's more difficult for me than the three-finger. I only get to teach one day a week (Thursdays), so I don't have much trouble filling the roster. But I'm looking forward to the day when I can give up sales and teach full time. It's much more enjoyable, and pays better, too.

Finally got the Gayle Lynn CD in the can. As always with these things, I listen to it and all I hear is what I should have played. But it does sound pretty good for a bunch of middle-aged white people. We've put the release party off until September since everybody's off on various vacations and business trips. Norma and I are being homebodies.

That's the news from Fogtown, folks. Remember, live music is best, so go out and see some, or go out and be some.

Monday, July 14, 2008

These Days

Over the weekend I treated myself to volumes 1 and 2 of Jackson's acoustic albums:

Listening to him sing "These Days" on Vol. I took me right back to one early evening when he took me and someone else -- one of you? -- outside, under a freeway, to listen to his new song.

I must be getting old because I felt very sentimental listening to him sing that song again.

His song "Lives in the Balance" is also eerily relevant today.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The music continues...

This just in from Helen:

Sorry I can't make this any bigger (you can click on it to make the flyer bigger) but just in case the dates and time are Saturday, August 2, at 7:00 p.m., at the Rough and Ready Grange Hall in Nevada City, California, $10.00 at the door.

A very talented family.....

And this just in from Helen and Cat Girton:

For more information, contact cathgirt (at) pacbell (dot) net.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

John Besharian anyone?

Mary McCaslin has been in touch with Bob Lesher, who was a friend of Steve and Jackson, and who is looking for John Besharian, with some round about ties to Ted Staak in Fullerton and Santa Cruz.

Does anyone have any leads on Besharian? I wonder if Rand might know?

(If any of you do have his contact info, please send it to me privately and I'll add him to my reunion list. Speaking of which, there is a "Plan B" for reunion dates because of a conflict with a city-wide race. I'll be sending out new dates to everyone soon.)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hello from Mary McCaslin

From Mary:

"I have the dates you sent for the 2009 events and hope to be able to attend at least one of them. I know there's a Blog, but I've never written one and am not sure what I'd say that hadn't already been said by any of the other wonderful Paradox folks. Keep in touch and give my best to everyone. Take care."