This year, we plan to green our get together, and want to encourage everyone to do their part. We are going to buy more things in bulk (e.g., large water jugs, a keg for the beer, etc.), and will only have a minimal amount of disposable items available. This will not only help the planet, but will also help Bob and Helen with clean-up after the event.
We are encouraging everyone to bring their own plates, cups, utensils, etc. for meals. We'll provide areas where you can wash up afterward.
We'll also be selling reusable, commemorative "We are the Paradox" travel cups and plates as part of our porta-potty fundraiser for those who want to contribute that way and have something to take home with them. I'm also collecting utensils that can be washed and reused so that we can stay away from plastics.
It's getting close. It's getting exciting!
Diane, this is wonderful! If we could all do our part and not be so wastefull, have only things that we can recycle, we would all feel like we are making a small dint in the problem of trash. Do you all know that in the ocean there is a floating glob of plastic bags the size of Texas. Disgusting!
Thanks, Helen!
I think it's going to be easy to do, save a little money, and... make it much easier on everyone come clean-up day!
I have the plates and cups on order now, and will have a collection of utensils we can wash up and reuse for those who don't bring their own.
It's going to fun. I'm really looking forward to it!
Helen, Really.
I thought there was no such thing as a plastic bag as big as Texas. But then I tried to buy popcorn at the movies. Yep. They got 'em.
A list of desired paraphanalila(?) would be good and then we could all empty our garages of the stuff we saved for the garage sale we never had.
What do you need?
I have all kinds of weird stuff here, good stuff, nice clean usable stuff.
The economy just failed because we all have Wal-Marts inventory from the last 8 years in our sheds and storage places.
Just ask and the....well, anyway....we will provide.
Rand, I hear that. I've been paying
$100.00 a month on a storage unit that I haven't visited in the last 5 years. You would not believe how many years before that. My latest sickness is collecting guitars, so now our garage is floor to ceiling with the empty shipping boxes,that of course I have to save just in case I decide to sell any of them. The living room is completely over run with guitars, of which I probably play three not very well.Somebody save me from my self!
Don't look at me Gary.
I've got 2 houses full of stuff that I used to want.
I've had a not-well- followed rule of No More Stuff for a while.
That didn't work too well.
Instruments, paintings, and 3.7 tons of crap.
Fine, nice, and lovely,
but crap it is.
We should have an "I need.." list on here.
But I don't need anything.
No. What we should have is an I need to get rid of list!
Does anybody NEED empty guitar boxes?
Maybe that's how we can pay for our Paradox house and studio -- have a giant rummage sale once a year. Then we all win. Having recently moved from a very large to a much smaller house, I have much that needs to go.
In the meantime, I'll be adding to your must-haves with reusable Paradox plates and cups. And Gary is designing this year's t-shirts. These all help pay for the expenses of getting together. So make some room in your little trailer Rand!
"...get rid of list."
Right on.
That's thinking outside with the box.
We could call it "Garyslist".
Would there be an erotic services category?
Most of the shit we had to get rid of when we moved up here was stuff that I bought at yard sales, to good of a deal to pass up, or so I thought at the time. I've never been one to pass up a bargain. I've stopped going to yard sales......No I've become a thrift shop addict. No control!
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