Friday, May 22, 2009

"Who were them fellers?"

Imagine my surprise, when viewing the "American Idol" finale, and Steve Martin showed up on my screen. He was accompanied by some nefarious hillbilly types, including one white haired feller with a white goatee playing mandolin. He looked kinda familiar, sorta like somebody I 'members playing banjo with Steve by reaching over to fret the strings of his while still fingering his own instrument (usually a banjo). This legerdemain was occasionally interspersed with the sudden appearance of "Flash Paper" and jokes by that dynamic duo. That was back at the Mecca. Great job, Johnny. I heard the disbelief in Ryan Seacrest's voice when he spoke to Steve at the end of the performance. It never ceases to amaze me how TV types are perpetually surprised that an actor, comedian or musician can actually be multi-talented. Go figure.


Unknown said...

Oh what a bummer that we missed that!

Diane Smith said...

I wish I'd seen it too. Even my daughter is excited about buying their new CD. They are both multi-talented.