Welcome Paradoxers!
This blogspot will be our new home to share updates on everyone's new cd's, links to music venues, and other activities.
You can also post remembrances, photos, and any other memorabilia you would like to share. It would be great if this could become like an archive for the Paradox -- then and now.
More information to follow as I figure this out. In the meantime, please add your comments and keep the site alive and growing.
This guy is Martin Tallstrom, or " pinofluvius" on Youtube. This is the same guy that I posted his guitar versions of Ballad of Jed Clampett, Foggy Mt. Breakdown, Jerry's Breakdown, and maybe a couple of other tunes. This is mine and Rik's more favorite "Jerry Reed" style guitar picker these days. I listen to Fretkillr's offerings fairly regularly as well.
Diane, what part of CA are you coming planning on coming to? You can come here, however, we get winter too, just not a severe.Wherever you are, maybe we can meet. It would be really cool if we could all go see Rand and Mandies new art studio in Santa Cruz.
I keep hoping I can find a little camper van ... I still might! Then me and the dog could putt on out of here for a month or two. I can work anywhere, which is one of the advantages of being a writer.
I never thought I'd seriously think about spending time in California (except with you and Bob), but that last trip to the Beach was so much fun I am starting to think that might be a good destination. I even looked at temporary rentals, but that's a bit beyond my financial reach right now.
We'd love that! Do it and when? I'm sure you can find a little camper, so many of us live not that far away, you can visit us all, and we'll visit you. We can all meet at Rand and Mandy's new art gallery.
Stuff happens up here in the city too, ya know. Why next Sunday finds Gayle Lynn, Misisispi Rider, and the Yard Sale Girls playing the Rite Spot. Dancing, Food, and Entertainment!!!
And on Saturday, the 21st, we're having another Berkeley Singthing at the home of David Gans and Rita Huralt. Guitars, fiddles, the occasional banjo, Scott Underwood on the electrical bass, and a choir of at least 20, and possibly 30 voices blending harmoniously. And when a bunch of Berkeley foodies throw a potluck, it can put the commercial establishments in the gourmet ghetto to shame.
If you happen to be in the Bay Area when we throw one of these wingdings, you really should come. In fact, you should make a point of it
Many things are possible. Get in touch and we'll see what fits. Various roof's, some leaky, some not. Our motto...."Anything can happen, but not unless some one makes something happen."
Well, as the someone who has made it happen in the past, I can assure you that is not our limitation. Stay tuned. You may very well be surprised by a contingent of Paradoxers at your door! Sounds like Helen is already on her way.
I was looking for an address the other day and came across your first emails as we tried to remember and then find people. Where there's a will, there's a way. We only have a couple missing, and I haven't given up. Suzi Thompson is out there somewhere!
So none of you should be surprised if we all show up at an opening or a performance south of Market at some point. I get the impression that Helen is already packing.
Hey, This is Bob finally, had a great 3 days in the OC, was a bit overwhelmed with all the great music and people, Paradox reunion times 10, but not as personal. It was a Far West Folk convention at the Hyatt in Irvine. I walked in thinking what would Woody say? but the people and music transended the place. They gave a life time achievement to 94 year old Faith Petric. She said "I hate to tell you people, I did it for me, not for you" she was great. Joe Craven got the life time performer award, he was great as usual, we had some good talks afterwards. I didn't know he was an educator, an amazing fellow. Bob Stane of the Ice House fame got the ambassador award, I know he was one of my heros, had the best house ever.During the awards, some one asked him how he judged talent," I let anybody audition, but some only played once." Later I went up to him and said as the "Status Seekers" trio, I played there once...he laughed. Steve Noonan and Penny Nichols were there, saw so much talent this could turn into a book. Has me thinking I might should get back to this music thing and it scares the hell out of me....love, Bob
I could only imagine how cool that must have been. Joe Craven is indeed amazing. I've seen his bands several times. Energy. Sure Bob, like Art Galleries, the music business must be the new.....uh, well, ........not exactly the gold rush probably.
Hi Paradox Folks It's Mandie - Just now catching up on you. I see you're all coming to visit! Bring firewood! I feel so wimpy but these hills are chilly! Back home (Illinois) we all insulate our houses, garages, and barns, then whip up the thermostat, start the car and it's heater a half hour before you drive from building to building in insulated coveralls and wool ear-flap hunting hats. Here we just wake up and go "Damn it's cold. Better stay under the covers!
Hi Mandie, If I get down that way during the burrrr months, I promise I will bring some wood for you and Rand....at least enough for one cozy fire. Where in Santa Cruz is your new gallery? Address, or x marks the spot type o map for wayward visitors, heures d'opération?
Mandy, You need to dig out your ILL long johns and dress in layers, as the day progresses, you start pealing off your layers. I'm from S. CA, and I thought I moved to Alaska when we moved up here. We'll bring fire wood! We've had the most beautiful fall colors, it would make you think of ILL, allmost all gone now. We sssure do need rain in this state of CA. Mother nature does have her little jokes.
It's a new fretkillr....
Although he, too, plays the ukulele:
This guy is Martin Tallstrom, or " pinofluvius" on Youtube. This is the same guy that I posted his guitar versions of Ballad of Jed Clampett, Foggy Mt. Breakdown, Jerry's Breakdown, and maybe a couple of other tunes. This is mine and Rik's more favorite "Jerry Reed" style guitar picker these days. I listen to Fretkillr's offerings fairly regularly as well.
Not exactly what I would call Bluegrass but really clean Uke chops for sure!
Speaking of Orange County, I hope Bob came home with some good stories and photos. Would love to read about and see them.
I'm thinking a trip back down there again this winter should be on the agenda. Winter gets harder and harder.
He's back, had a really super great time, saw many old friends. I'll have him post something when he gets up, he's worn out, has the flu or something.
Thanks, Helen. Can hardly wait to hear from him (after he recovers....)
Diane, what part of CA are you coming planning on coming to? You can come here, however, we get winter too, just not a severe.Wherever you are, maybe we can meet. It would be really cool if we could all go see Rand and Mandies new art studio in Santa Cruz.
Santa Cruz would be fun!
I keep hoping I can find a little camper van ... I still might! Then me and the dog could putt on out of here for a month or two. I can work anywhere, which is one of the advantages of being a writer.
I never thought I'd seriously think about spending time in California (except with you and Bob), but that last trip to the Beach was so much fun I am starting to think that might be a good destination. I even looked at temporary rentals, but that's a bit beyond my financial reach right now.
We'd love that! Do it and when? I'm sure you can find a little camper, so many of us live not that far away, you can visit us all, and we'll visit you. We can all meet at Rand and Mandy's new art gallery.
Rand should keep us all posted on special events in the galleries just in case.
Stuff happens up here in the city too, ya know. Why next Sunday finds Gayle Lynn, Misisispi Rider, and the Yard Sale Girls playing the Rite Spot. Dancing, Food, and Entertainment!!!
And on Saturday, the 21st, we're having another Berkeley Singthing at the home of David Gans and Rita Huralt. Guitars, fiddles, the occasional banjo, Scott Underwood on the electrical bass, and a choir of at least 20, and possibly 30 voices blending harmoniously. And when a bunch of Berkeley foodies throw a potluck, it can put the commercial establishments in the gourmet ghetto to shame.
If you happen to be in the Bay Area when we throw one of these wingdings, you really should come.
In fact, you should make a point of it
That sounds heavenly, Rik. One of these days....
Many things are possible.
Get in touch and we'll see what fits.
Various roof's, some leaky, some not.
Our motto...."Anything can happen, but not unless some one makes something happen."
Well, as the someone who has made it happen in the past, I can assure you that is not our limitation. Stay tuned. You may very well be surprised by a contingent of Paradoxers at your door! Sounds like Helen is already on her way.
As my friend Howard Rheingold likes to say, "What it is, is up to us."
Sounds like my kind of guy!
I was looking for an address the other day and came across your first emails as we tried to remember and then find people. Where there's a will, there's a way. We only have a couple missing, and I haven't given up. Suzi Thompson is out there somewhere!
So none of you should be surprised if we all show up at an opening or a performance south of Market at some point. I get the impression that Helen is already packing.
This is Bob finally, had a great 3 days in the OC, was a bit overwhelmed with all the great music and people, Paradox reunion times 10, but not as personal.
It was a Far West Folk convention at the Hyatt in Irvine. I walked in thinking what would Woody say? but the people and music transended the place. They gave a life time achievement to 94 year old Faith Petric. She said "I hate to tell you people, I did it for me, not for you" she was great.
Joe Craven got the life time performer award, he was great as usual, we had some good talks afterwards. I didn't know he was an educator, an amazing fellow.
Bob Stane of the Ice House fame got the ambassador award, I know he was one of my heros, had the best house ever.During the awards, some one asked him how he judged talent," I let anybody audition, but some only played once." Later I went up to him and said as the "Status Seekers" trio, I played there once...he laughed.
Steve Noonan and Penny Nichols were there, saw so much talent this could turn into a book.
Has me thinking I might should get back to this music thing and it scares the hell out of me....love, Bob
YEAH! I was hoping you might get the bug.
Thanks for the great report. Wish I could have been there.
Maybe next year the pre-Paradox II group could all rendezvous there.
I could only imagine how cool that must have been.
Joe Craven is indeed amazing. I've seen his bands several times. Energy.
Sure Bob, like Art Galleries, the music business must be the new.....uh, well, ........not exactly the gold rush probably.
Hi Paradox Folks It's Mandie - Just now catching up on you. I see you're all coming to visit! Bring firewood! I feel so wimpy but these hills are chilly! Back home (Illinois) we all insulate our houses, garages, and barns, then whip up the thermostat, start the car and it's heater a half hour before you drive from building to building in insulated coveralls and wool ear-flap hunting hats. Here we just wake up and go "Damn it's cold. Better stay under the covers!
Hi Mandie, If I get down that way during the burrrr months, I promise I will bring some wood for you and Rand....at least enough for one cozy fire. Where in Santa Cruz is your new gallery? Address, or x marks the spot type o map for wayward visitors, heures d'opération?
Mandy, You need to dig out your ILL long johns and dress in layers, as the day progresses, you start pealing off your layers. I'm from S. CA, and I thought I moved to Alaska when we moved up here. We'll bring fire wood!
We've had the most beautiful fall colors, it would make you think of ILL, allmost all gone now. We sssure do need rain in this state of CA. Mother nature does have her little jokes.
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