Just got back from a fun week with Bob & Helen and the gang. We thrift stored and ate our way from Nevada City to Lake Tahoe to Santa Cruz for a fun visit with the Mand Rand Band. Thanks to all It was a fantastic journey. Here's a collage of the trip.
What amazing-looking weather! Nice looking people, too!
While you were up north, we had over a foot of snow followed by a nice strong wind -- took me two and a half hours to shovel out of here, and then I was too tired to go anywhere!
If anyone ever wants the perfect guest, invite Gary....he cooks.
We had a great time. Rand and Mandy are wonderful, we got our ocean fix.
While Gary was here the weather was like spring, today, Monday, it's snowing. The sunshine left with Gary.
Diane, can't you find a boyfriend with a snow plow?
Hope springs eternal!
Well, the bottom fell out yesterday. It's been what passes for San Franciscan winter again. And my roof has a leak that's going to cost the landlord big bucks if he doesn't fix it soon.
One of life's little blessings is that I can't remember the last time I had to shovel snow. Probably 1961.
One of the best paying jobs I had was as an 11 yr. old kid in winter 1956 in New Hampshire. I could make about $20.00 an hour going door to door shoveling snow for tips. That works out to $161.16 an hour adjusted for inflation. It was really cold!
We had snow last night, then rain, so I don't have to hire Gary to come and shovel at $161.16 and hour.
I'm thinking those big HelBob smiles must part the very clouds and bring those sunny days.
That was truly a fun visit. An honor and a joy to have Gary and Helen and Bob for one of the best
visitor tours I've seen lately. Mandie and I also got a fine ocean fix leading to a resolution to hit the beach again soon.
I DID find my stupid missing parking coupon. Bobs smile seems to have placated the petite-fascism of the parking police and I did not have to pay $50 for an hour of parking. Incredible.
Today we have a mix of sparkling sun, warm air and heavy rain. Delightful.
Now maybe 'ol Rick Norma will roll through here one of these days since he's not so very far away. You'd be welcome anytime Rick.
Just one fine photo essay by former National Geographic photographer impersonator Gary Mullen. Man, I love seeing the photos.
It looks as though that was a fine Northern California "Sierra to the Sea" tour.
I'd love to take that tour but I hear he charges $161.16 per hour.
Those are great photos. Damned near Chamber of Commerce quality
Who is Rick Norma anyway?
It was the stunning subjects the camera man was focusing on, oh yeah, the scenery might have a little something to do with it.
We really had a super great time!!!!!
"Who is Rick Norma anyway?"
Two halves of a folie a deux. Our last names, Elswit and Fisher, fit together nicely as "The Elfish".
Oh, and I expect we'll take you up on that, Rand. My favorite live band in all the world, Väsen, are coming for their annual run through the Bay Area, and we may be able to make it down when they play Kuumbwa on 3/16. We're still trying to make the logistics work around what's left of my job.
Even if we can't, you should make a point of seeing this band. There's no one else in the world that I'll try and catch three shows from in the same week. I tell people, it's acoustic music and you'll love it and become addicted. And I've been right every time.
Oh lovely. Maybe that's the next PR option - Gary doing tour groups?
Looks like you all had great travels and the best weather (and of course the best company). And great pictures to prove it.
I checked out Rik's Vasen (how DO you make an umlaut on a Mac? Can't figure out a tilde either~)
Very tasty! And what a kee-razy instrument! - do I detect a little autoharp technology there?
I do miss my autoharp, which now belongs to someone who plays it well. And I bang on the piano occasionally, but mostly make music with my mouth. If anyone needs a back up creaky harmonizer in June, just let me know -
Must give credit to Bob & Helen and Rand & Mandie for setting up all those cool little scenic side trips. All I did was snap a few kodachrome moments.
It a good thing Gary came when he did, If her were here now, we wouldn't go on any side trips, 2 ft of snow, no electricity until this AM. It is lovely though. Our wood stove keeps up cozy. We play a lot of card games.
Well so much for the electric blankets!
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