Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

No pics but a great visit

Ralph and his friend Mattie, Bruce and I made our annual trek to "The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf" in Long Beach. More talk about getting the Paradox Tour going ASAP. Bruce said he would talk to Les and see if he can get him to commit. Another small step forward to realizing a dream. The simple fact is, the window in time is closing tighter every year, so we need to get this going while we're all still around to enjoy it. Keep the faith!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

An addition to our evening

I called Bruce this evening and he happened to be in town, 20 minutes later, here we all are.

Ralph Barr December 26, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Christmas Card to all of you

TO ALL YOU PARADOXERS. Thanks for the music.

Here's a song for ya,
From MandRand Band.

I didn't know it was Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Carol of the Bells

Carol of the Bells

Artist: Trace Bundy

Composer, Mykola Dmytrovych Leontovych (1877-1921)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Anonymous 4 Wassail Song

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season

Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Happy Birthday" - Brer' John

As I was perusing today's edition (12/19/09) of the "Major Sacramento Fish Wrap" (as I so lovingly call it), I found the following: "Country singer Little Jimmy Dickens is 89. Composer-Lyricist Robert Sherman ('Marry Poppins') is 84, Actress Cecely Tyson ('Sounder') is 76. R&B singer Maurice White ('Earth, Wind and Fire') is 68. Musician John McEuen ('Nitty Gritty Dirt Band') is 64. Et al, Et cetera ... ... ." Congratulations, my friend, only one more year to go to "Geezer Care", want it or not. Hang in there, John. Remember: "We are not flies. We will not be dropping anytime soon". Or so we'd all like to believe. Forgive my (slightly) warped sense of humor, but, having lost so many friends, colleagues and acquaintance's throughout the years to "The Biz" and it's effects, it's almost (well, maybe it is) a miracle we're still here to bear witness to what has transpired in the past. Sorry for waxing nostalgic, philosophical and (a bit) maudlin on such a joyous occasion. It's late, but, also, I cap the two ends of my music experience with what I call: " 'The Two Timmys', Buclkey and Hardin". Why? Because we've all seen the end result of what "The Biz" can do to some very sweet, talented and vulnerable people we've all known throughout the years. There's a line in an early Merel Haggard song that goes: "But my weakness is stronger than I am". To me, that means that the day I can't walk away from "it" (whatever "IT" is) is the day that I have to.

Greetings from Ralph Barr

I just had a nice conversation with Ralph and he wanted me to relay his best wishes for a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, and a Great New Year to everyone here at the Paradox Blog.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another obscure Harp piece

This tune is what I hear on my Blackberry when I have a message, it is in my top ten of favorite Harp pieces. I was lucky to find someone actually playing this difficult piece by Tournier live on youtube, and again, flawlessly!

I just ran into this

This is my Christmas/Holiday greeting to you all, in music

Harp music is my favorite music. This piece is awesome, and I was lucky to find it on Youtube and played flawlessly (it is a very difficult piece).

Monday, December 14, 2009

"A History" (of Orange County Clubs) Indeed

If you've never seen this site, check it out. It has clubs and their history from even before we were "A 'Gleam' in our parents eyes".

, etc.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Yin and Yang of Life and Music

Terry Allen: Hearts Road

Friday, December 11, 2009

Celedonio Romero Plays "Suite EspaƱola" by Gaspar Sanz

It's a long piece but it's time well spent. Enjoy!

Who says you always need electric's (besides me)?

 I saw this and immediately thought of the Dirt Band and what they might do. This video is in response to one of a seven year old guitarist performing on a "Latin" TV show, in front of Carlos Santana. (The kid's good.) 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Music in Santa Cruz

This band always sounds good. I hear faintly around a corner or far down the street and it's reassuring. Africa is the source and in this case, it's Zimbabwe. Mandie was taking a break from gallery sitting and made this little movie.
Sadza is some kind of Zimbabwe food dish with apparently mixed reviews as to taste.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Michael Ray No Longer MIA

Just got an e-mail from Michael Ray and he's just been busy with life stuff. He said to say Hey & Happy Holidays to all. I'll should be talking with him in the next few days on the phone. If anything new and exiting comes up I'll post it for the gang.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

And now to get us ready for winter....

.... a little green from the wilds.......

And some holiday music and flashing guitar pins from our adopted Paradoxer, Fretkillr:

Wish you could hear this Helen. I love this man's voice.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

This just in from Jimmie

tony already wrote the story. my experience mirrors his. he ( jackson) is such good and gracious guy. playing with him on his songs, is always special for me. i never know where it will go and i love that. pick a song, open it up, and let the music fall out along with the lyrics to our lives, and i still don't know ''what the hell these brakes are for" " and i don't -----" life became the paradox, the bear, the rouge et noir". he had me come up twice and we played four songs together, very generous. the last two with his guitar tech manny alverez (who took these photos) a really fine picker. and wow......

sarasota van weasel performing arts center. 11/18/09

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to All

Click Link....

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Quotable Diane

Imagine my pleasant surprise when seated with my feet propped up in the back yard a few hours ago slurping my morning coffee (in the afternoon) with a straw from my Paradox plastic mug and reading the front cover review in today's New York Times Book Review entitled "Strong Poison" written by Stephen King reviewing"Raymond Carver, A Writer's Life" by Carol Sklenicka, I encountered the following paragraph (is this a run-on sentence?)

"Although Sklenicka exhibits something like awe for Carver the writer, and clearly understands the warping influence alcohol had on his life, she is almost non-judgmental when it comes to Carver the nasty drunk and ungrateful (not to mention sometimes dangerous) husband. She quotes the novelist Diane Smith ("Letters From Yellowstone") as saying, "That was a bad generation of men," and pretty much leaves it at that..."

You tell'em Diane!!!!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Love, Jan & Ran

Thursday, November 19, 2009

For old times' sake

OK, Boys and girls, here's one I know you'll enjoy... right down at the Paradox root level. And I’ll trust you all to bear with me here – this is a story that needs telling, and this is definitely the right forum. I learned that Jackson was doing a solo acoustic concert in Durham, N.C. at the gorgeous Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC) on Nov 11th. As has been my custom in the last decade, I called him and invited him to dinner, and, as has been his custom, he had to decline... explaining that with no break between his Durham and Asheville concerts, his voice really needed that time to rest. This invite/decline thing between us has become something of a tradition, and we both chuckled as we saw this fourth installment approaching.

I told him how sorry I was to have missed seeing him and the rest of the Paradox gang at the reunion, and that I'd sure like to exploit his presence so near my home and visit briefly after his DPAC show. He agreed that would be fun and said he'd arrange for passes... how many would I need? We settled on five, since Leigh and I and three of our four daughters were planning to attend. Our conversation was light and easy, and I felt that warmth unique to old friendships.

We got to our seats 30 minutes before show time and had great fun studying the audience Jackson attracts with his solo acoustic concerts... some older than me and a few younger than my late 20s/early 30s daughters, but most in between. One thing that I noticed right away was that everyone was smiling... even folks not chatting but just waiting were smiling. It was clear these 2,800 people (sold out show) were really pleased to be there... really pleased at the prospect of watching Jackson perform in pretty much the same manner we remember from the coffee house days.

Now for the fun. He started off with Barricades of Heaven, relaxed and sounding strong. And when the applause died down after his third song, out of the blue and into the silence he said, “I wonder if my friend Tony would join me up here... Tony Duque, are you out there?... you wanna come up and do a song together?” I was blown-away... I mean, no one there could have been more surprised than I was. Leigh and the girls probably came in a close second. I hollered, “are you serious!?” through cupped hands, but I doubt he heard me over the chorus of audience voices approving of his offer. Within seconds I was up and on my way to the stage... and, yes, immersed in a cloud-nine fog.

Once up there, after a warm hug, he asked what I wanted to play, and I suggested Colorado, one of my favorites from the old days. He countered with Song For Adam, and I said, “even better.” He picked out a guitar (from his rack of 15!)... an old J-45, I think. He asked if I’d be OK playing open in D with him in C on the second fret... you bet. My guitar was tuned perfectly, of course, but I took the liberty to drop the bass to D. He said, “pull that piano bench over here,” and as soon as I was settled he just started playing… a slight grin on his face.

From that point on, everything just came naturally... and effortlessly. Really, it could have been another Paradox hoot night. He proceeded to play and sing his beautiful song flawlessly, and from what I could hear, our guitars sounded crisp and balanced. Despite the fact that we hadn’t played together in over four decades, I really think the song came off nicely, and that my contribution was additive... even though I did lose my place a little during what I think was my “break.” We finished it with a somewhat (my bad) synchronized slow strum of the Bm, and after exchanging thank-you’s and another warm hug, I sort of floated back to my seat... and back through whacks on the back from strangers and from my excited family.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t report that his concert was simply fantastic... classic Jackson Browne. I’m certain no one there would say otherwise. He honored almost every request... played for more than 2 ½ hours and everyone walked out smiling. He’s still got it all, that’s for sure... and he’s still having fun, no doubt about it.

You guys already know this, but what I hope the folks who were there that night will realize and remember is that Jackson took a leap of faith, and demonstrated a lot of trust, in order to play some music with, and tip his hat to, an old friend. I have no idea how this was perceived by the audience (owing to that fog I mentioned), but I hope it was at least entertaining. For me... well, it was a real honor and such a pleasure... great fun and a thrill I will never forget. I just kept thinking, what a pal!

Thanks for wading through this l-o-n-g post. I sure hope it warmed your hearts as much as the experience warmed mine. Here’s a pic of the happy pro and the even happier amateur, and one with the family. You all take care out there! - Tony

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Steve Noonan

Yesterday I was in Vineburg, near Sonoma, visiting my favorite guitar maker, Steve Klein, and had one of my Klein's in his shop for a tune-up. While waiting for Steve to work his magic, I decided to drive to downtown Sonoma and visit Sonoma Valley Music. While trying out a couple of interesting guitars in Gerard's shop, I looked out at the street, a very very wide street, and across the street, I saw what looked to be a guy with his ball cap on backwards and the same sort of walk as a guy I know named Steve Noonan. I mentioned to Gerard, that sort of looks like Steve Noonan way over there across the street, Gerard said, "Steve Noonan is playing in town this week", I have his flyer in the window...... so, there you have it, I walked outside and yelled STEVE! He looked over, then I walked across the street and welcomed him to Sonoma. I invited Steve to the guitar shop to play some guitars and chat for a while. It was nice to see Steve, talk about some new stuff, and clear up some pending stuff. It was just a nice day!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

For Example:

USING HIS HEAD -- Artist Pat Paulsen, who shuns more traditional means of painting, demonstrates how he produces masterpieces -- with "cranial painting." The 35-year-old San Franciscan, now appearing at the Ice House in Glendale, Calif., smears paint on his beard. top: really gets down to heavy work, center, and winds up, bottom, with as much paint on his kisser as on the canvas.

(From the March 6, 1966 Mansfield News Journal via the Museum of Hoaxes)


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And while we're at it, lets invite David to sing

Speaking of the Lennon Sisters.....

Here are their boys!

This is the best cover of Crosby's Guinnevere I have ever heard.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This just in from Helen in time for Halloween



Monday, October 26, 2009

Santa Cruz Fire

I am hoping that Mandy and Rand are safe from the new fire that seems to be in the same area as the recent one a couple of months ago. Please keep us posted and let us know that you are OK.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

KUNKEL & HARRIS 10/24 Santa Rosa CA


Santa Rosa 10/24/09 at Glaser Center 7:30 pm
Check it out if you can!

Monday, October 19, 2009

This looks interesting!

At least it helps keep The Paradox name out there.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


Last evening we went to see the Smother's Brothers, yes, all those 51 years of performing they finally have met their goal, yes! You got it! The Grass Valley memorial Veterians Hall, to a packed house, all 75 of us. It's,really more like a 1000. It was so great. They showed a video, had Pat Paulson doing a campaign speech. Tom is a very gifted YOYO Man too. Two of our friends, Peter Wilson (came to our reunion) and Paul Emery opened for them, did a good job.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

For Helen - Average Temperatures and Rainfall Nevada City

also see

Looks like last June was a big outlier temperature wise.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

This just in from Helen


For all you Daisy
star of stage, screen, and recording artist and calendar girl fans.

As Daisy was romping through the woods Friday night she landed on a branch that went through her arm pit, along the inside of her fur, almost to her back. She had to somehow break or chew it off right at her arm pit.

We took her to the Vet when it opened at nine. She had emergency surgery. It took 1/2 an hour for us to get her in the car, very terrible.

Now the good news. She's home, able to walk a little. Doesn't like taking her pills. Back to eating and drinking. Yesterday she was one stoned dog, all day. All is getting better. Having a 100 lb dog has its draw backs.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

For Singles Only

Jake & Tommy

1000 Ukuleles and One Banjo at the BBC Proms

(alas, they took down the "official" BBC video so this one is from the audience's perspective)

Or for those of you who prefer to walk on the wild side:

Europe Strikes Back

I've already posted some video of my favorite live band, the Swedish group VƤsen, showing off their superb guitarist, Roger Tallroth. And we had a bit of the Austrian/Swiss Kruger Brothers, featuring the astounding 5-stringer, Jens Kruger. John posts the video of a bunch of drunken vikings jamming with a tractor on "Sweet Georgia Brown".....

And for a while, in the 70s, the two finest Tele benders in country music were a couple of Brits, Ray Flacke and Albert Lee.

And now, just to show out of control this has gotten, here's another Swede, Martin Tallstrom, playing both parts of "Dueling Banjos" on solo guitar. This guy is the best Jerry Reed style fingerpicker since Buster B Jones.

Here's "Jesse James". Tallstrom has the Scruggs thing down solid on a guitar in standard tuning.

And here's a ragtime original, Martin's Rag.

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Advice from an old Tennessee Mountain Man" (posted by Jeff the Trucker)

(I found this posted on Tom Sullivan's website, in the Listener's Club section. Sometimes simple is best.)

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.

Keep skunks and bankers and lawyers at a distance.

Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.

Words that soak into your ears are whispered... not yelled.

Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.

Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads.

Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.

It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.

You cannot unsay a cruel, or unkind word.

Every path has a few puddles.

When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

The best sermons are lived, not preached.

Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway.

Don't judge folks by their relatives.

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back,

you'll enjoy it a second time.

Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't botherin' you none.

Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop


Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.

Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a [w]hole lot easier than puttin' it

back in.

If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try

orderin' somebody else's dog around.

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest up to God.

Live & Let Live.

"Sweet Georgia Brown" Backwoods version

Hi there. I found this a day or two ago and just couldn't resist. It is, to say the least, one of the more innovative uses of "Found Art" (the tractor) that I've ever heard. "Try it. You'll like it".

Link to -

This just in from Carol Metcalf

Martin Guitars: 175 years of sound

Traveling through the rolling hills of Pennsylvania's farmland, one can almost hear the music of days gone by.

The sounds of an old guitar seem fitting for the rustic buildings and small towns that you pass through. It's almost as if you're being drawn in, closer and closer to where the sound originates: C.F. Martin Guitars in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.

Walking through the front doors of the factory, nicely tucked into a residential neighborhood, the floors are shiny, the smell of "newness" in the air, but somehow it feels old. It feels like you're stepping into a part of history. And you have.

Martin Guitars was established in 1833 when C.F. Martin, along with his family, immigrated to New York from Germany. Upon visiting some friends in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley, the Martin family decided to trade in the hustle and bustle of New York for the open space and German heritage of rural Pennsylvania.

The story of Martin Guitars is not just one of building acoustic instruments, but also one of family. The company has passed the business down from one Martin to the next. While many guitar makers have been sold to corporations, Christian Martin IV, the company's current owner, speaks of the responsibility he feels as the fourth-generation family owner.

"Although other guitar makers may have the name, and they certainly do appreciate the history and the heritage, in my case, it's in my blood."

continued at

Friday, October 2, 2009



Click on this for a little seasonal cheery halloween music.
MandRand Band

Click on the TITLE at the top of the post when you get to the MandRand blog post and you can hear the song.
Then scroll down the blog to the next post and hear

OR click hear one song without going to the MandRand Blog.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Barret's Privateers

This has absolutely nothing to do with The Paradox. It's still a great tribute version of a Stan Rogers tune. R.I. P. Stan.

Sunday, September 27, 2009