Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Silent Fool


Tony Duque said...

Here we go again... he's all of 12 (of course he's not) and plays like he's been at it for twice that long (which may be the case). Fairly amazing... what an interesting and different approach to the right hand... and surely another example of how many really accomplished guitarists there are "out there." Thanks for sharing that one, Chris! I listen to a player like that and (in rank self-defense, and with no disrespect to Mr. Montgrain) think, "yeah, Ok... but can he play Deep River Blues with a smile on his face?"

Chris said...

Tony, You are so right! So many really super good guitar players out there, aged 8 to 80 It all comes down to what catches your ear. For years (since the 80's) I have been listening to Alex de Grassi. There is a tune that he does called "Turning: Turning Back". I always thought it was impossible to play, I am now working on it, slow and steady. Since there is no video of Alex playing it, I should post a video of Pierre Fortin playing it. I think I will do that now.