Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Fidgeting Widget

Oh no, the fidgeting widget has disappeared again!


Diane Smith said...

Good morning, Chris. I'm fidgeting with it. It shall rise again.

Hope everyone is warm, dry, and safe down there!

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

I never did trust those Widgets.They steal your cookies when your not looking.

Diane Smith said...

If you give a widget a cookie he's going to ask for a glass of milk....

Diane Smith said...

Bob and Helen, I hope you got to see David Lindley. I LOVED hearing him in Huntington Beach.

Can't remember if I linked this here before or not, but here is one of the songs he played there. Steve Noonan tells me this is a Greg Copeland song:

Unknown said...

No we didn't go to see Lindley due to
the snow and freeze. We'd be able to get there, but coming home, driving in ice, then walking down our long driveway at midnight just didn't seem reasonable.We gave our ticket to Scaff, Dave was sick, so I guess it was Steve and Tara.

Diane Smith said...

Sorry to hear that -- about weather conditions and about Dave. But being a fair weather traveler myself, totally understand! There was rumor last year that he might come with JB. Maybe next time! Like Fretkiller, an honorary paradoxer.

MCatherine said...

Widgets are frantic-making little devils!
FYI: CD versions of my albums are now available on
Also, there is a contest to win a Hide a Heart for Valentine's Day to give your sweetie...just go to
Love the youtube of David! Thanks for letting us know.
Happy New Year All!

Chris said...

Diane, I see that the wondering fidgeting widget is back home where he/she/it belongs. You are doing a fine job! :-)

Rand Launer said...

The widgets are stored in Gary's garage. That's where all widgets that aren't in my garage are.
Widgets are never actually lost, but you can never find them when you want them.
Round tuits are required to find the right widget. You will never a round tuit either.