Most will be happy to hear the following. (Sorry Jan)
The official word is the legal status of importing Haggis is only under review and is not legal as of now and the time frame is uncertain as to when that might be approved, if ever.
The news media blew it once again by not checking the facts.
That shit looks like it wants to eat me!
I don't know Gary. That may look like contraband, and definitely should be illegal, but my leading legal expert claims it's on its way.....
An ode to Haggis:
I just heard the update on the radio this morning regarding the media misinformation. It was verified by a call to the FDA. The FDA comment was it was still under review with no timeframe for approval.It may have started from a press release in Scotland. The timing is somehat suspect since the release was abround the time of Robert Burns birthday (jan.25th).
Just what is Haggis? Should we have it at our 2011 reunion? Maybe with Spam? Is it wrapped in cabbage in the picture?
What's with all the food talk? Shall be give our favorite peanut butter recipe's?
I am totally up for PEANUT BUTTER!
Robert Burns' revenge, huh? Well darn. I was with Helen -- thought we should boil up a batch for our next get together.
As for the casing, Helen, you don't want to know..... But then, like all the other sausages, nothing should go to waste I guess!
Everything but the squeal as they say....
The item in that classified photograph has been linked to Hanger 9 in Roswell New Mexico. The item was apparently photographed by a lunch wagon operator at Area 51, in Nevada.
And when last seen, playing a ukulele!
NEVER trust a Haggis with a ukulele.They woo you into a trance with spellbinding technique, then when you least expect it they spill their putrid guts all over your shoes.
Kilts, bagpipes, haggis, Swaneybean....
What happened in Scotland?
Meth wasn't invented until WWII and LSD in the 50's
so that's not it.
The Whisky is OK, but jeeso....Those poor people.
I did a Thanksgiving in Edinburgh, on tour, in 1978. The tour caterers put out an entire american turkey feast, complete with stuffing and cranberry sauce, but given where we were, they included a haqgis. I'll try anything once, and it turned out to be a weird sausage that was more oatmeal than anything else. It was... interesting.
I remarked that it was the first time I'd ever had haggis for thanksgiving, and one of the brits on our overseas roadcrew remarked that it was the first time he'd ever had Thanksgiving.
Norma's telling me we have to go out now. Later on, if I'm drunk, I'll tell you of our excursion to Plymouth.
What's with "Sorry Jan" Jan, are you a Haggis fan, or are you scottish?
Yes,Jan Hapson is a full fledged Scot. Now the secret is out!
We've gone to the Scottish Festival at O.C. Fairgrounds together for the last two years, and probably will again this year. It's been great fun.
Is anbody else getting tired of looking at the Haggis picture?
All I can tell you is, and I repeat, that ball of shit looks like it wants to eat me! hahaha.
There is an official Haggis Hunt, which we just missed, but watch for an update next year.
In the meantime, a very rare golden Haggis has just made a cameo appearance. Like the raccoon, some creatures are just too scary to keep online for long.
Holly Haggis.I think it ate itself.
I don't know what happened.... I went to that haggis hunt site and before I knew it that little haggis just showed up out of the blue...
Gary, I am surprised that you took that ugly picture down and replaced it with some uglier picture! Just because that shit looked like it wanted to eat me, is absolutely no reason to take that picture off. I am happy to see all sides represented.
Good one Gary. I am laughing so hard I think my neighbors are going to start worrying ....
Is this a new Dr. West's Medicine Show song.... The Haggis that Ate Chicago?
Norman just might have a new hit on his hands.
If he's still hungry, the whole country's doomed....
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