Monday, January 18, 2010

"Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down"


Chris said...

Gary & Susan, yeah, we have had rain up here in Marin all day, heavy at times, and we are expecting more tonight and tomorrow, and the "big one" on Wednesday.

Rand, how are the waves down there? They say 20+ ft. here, but have yet to see that.

Diane, I see the "recent comments" widget is back, although it is at the bottom of the directory, it is good to have that back. Thank you for your persistence in finding one that works with this site :-)

Unknown said...

I have always loved storms, I'm a rainy day person. Snow, rain, bring it on. Earthquakes no, or mudslides .....Such a terrible situation in Haiti, dreadful......

Chris said...

Since it is so stormy, you must be happy :-) !

The situation in Haiti IS a real bummer. I have found in recent history that donating directly to the Red Cross is the best way to get things done. Other charities with ex-presidents names and music stars and such, are too mired down in BS for the greater portion of your donation to get directly to the people that NEED it.

Diane Smith said...

Wow, I just looked at the weather map. You all are getting rain! But that's good. California needs all the water it can get. So do those forests where Bob and Helen live.

I guess if I drive south this spring, I better head to Arizona.

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

So.... I guess this is good news for the tree Bob and Helen are now forced to live in? Maybe it will grow enough to hold the next reunion.

Unknown said...

Our days of rain have now turned to snow, I love it. Tornadoes in the OC? What's going on down ther Gary? Tital waves? Your getting it worse than us.
We did donate to the Red Cross, I would also like to donate to Dr.'s without borders. So many people, to many think the world has forgotten them. In the middle of the city with no comunication, what a heartbreak. It's beautiful to see us and the rest of the world get together and help......

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Well..Pretty exiting day down our way. Tornado warnings early afternoon. Missed us but one hit Sunset Beach and tossed a large SUV and a few boats up in the air. Second one in Costa Mesa and I guess it tore the roof off an industrial building. They say the worst is yet to come.Stay tuned!

Rand Launer said...

rain we got rain.
You love storms? Me too. Big waves at the beach, tons of drift wood.
Here in the mountains the river is up 17ft and changing the whole "backyard". The little island is underwater and clogged with logjams. The lawn is covered and the Tipi almost got full of water. Hail, wind, power out all day tuesday, trees down.
the river is fantastic, full of huge redwoods cracking and booming like a giant car wreck for hours on end.
This house is historically above the flood so we are good and safe. We are just close enough to for this to be really exciting
I just can't stop watching the river.
Beautiful powerful amazing.

Rand Launer said...

Chris, I havn't been down today but the wave were huge yesterday. Lottsa choppy, windy water though. The storm surge, local wind waves and wind mucks them up and they don't have that Profund BIG look so much.

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Rand...Sounds pretty exiting. Susan wants to know if you could maybe post a picture? Thanks and stay safe.