Friday, August 14, 2009


Rand Launer said...

Gary, I want to congratulate on the most completely minimalist posts to date.
I'm pondering whether or not this in response to Derida's deconstructionist movement or Sarte's refusal to explain.
However, after some thought, knowing you are musically inclined, I finally came to realize that most likely this is part of the Seattle Grunge movement to offshoot that doesn't even present a Band that doesn't ever perform.
Good job you avant garde devil you.
An anachronism ahead of your time!!!!

Rand Launer said...

Something like this Todd Snider song.
A Rock and Roll song? played on accousticly with a harmonic and Woody Guthrie clothes.

Talking Seattle Grunge...Todd Snider

Finally, someone understands you Gary.

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

I knew only you would appreciate the true genius of my work.
It is actually a subtle nod to
"We're Leavin" the band that never was!