Friday, August 7, 2009

This just in from Daisy

Daisy is waiting for you all to come back, missing sharing food and music with all of you.....


Rik Elswit said...

Just a headsup and a question. I'm seeing reunion videos up on Youtube and am wondering if Jackson gave permission. He's still a public figure with concerns about controlling his public image.

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

I thought we had decided against doing that for exactly that reason, so it was a big surprise to me.That was why we set up a Blog.
The good news is nobody seems to be viewing and commenting besisdes us. Might be best to take it down???

Diane Smith said...

Yeah, I'm a little concerned about everyone's consent to be honest, but I haven't heard anything one way or the other.

Nice thing is at least for now the Paradox is not particularly a searchable key word on most people's minds. That could change though.

Diane Smith said...

I heard, though, that Daisy gave her complete consent.

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Now that you mention it I wouldn't put it past Daisy to sneak on line and post to youtube. That's probably how their computer caught the virus.
You just can't trust them coon hounds...they lay around 'till you're not watching and then when you least expect it WHAM they log on!
I think Mason Williams wrote a tone poem about this once?

Chris said...

Just had a wonderful conversation with Gary and Susan. I would still like to find a way to share the video I took without making it available to the general public. Any help would be appreciated.....

Rand Launer said...

I only see one Reunion video.
The name is purposly not used so a specific search is not possible.
(Even in this Paradox Blog, seldom, or never is the name used.)
No personal or comercial abuse is involved.
Arbitrarily removing one fact from a documetary is not journalisticly possible.

I'm confident that the all of people in the video are proud to have participated and be seen in the video.

(a long philosophical rant
on the vagaries of YouTube and the internet and public and private figures is avoided here.)

My personal thought is that he likes it just fine.

No harm, No foul.

Unknown said...

From Daisy,AMERICAN FOX HOUND....Gary, I resent being called a coon hound, very disrespectful, although I have chased a few.
Oh the things I would post if only I had thumbs, (4) and fingers (16)

Gary and Susan Mullen said...

Daisy...Please accept my humblest apology for insensitive ethnic profiling and gross generization:
or in Dog Language:
woof-woof-howl-growl-bark-chase sqirrels-sleep-zzzzzzz!

Unknown said...

Apology accepted, howerver, next time you come, bring me a bone to show your sincere, then we'll go roll in something dead and smelly together to bind our frindship, great fun!
Daisy Belle Fox Hound Sheffer